All India Combined Entrance Test (AICET) 2016

Thursday, 22 May 2014

WLCI - Part Time Courses for Working Professionals

WLCI Review

Specific skill based learning can always be improved upon even after taking up a full-time job. After completing your graduation, we all are in a hurry to get started in our career. Which is a good decision taken, knowing how tough it is in the present scenario to break into the job-market with the mounting unemployment at every sector…

In the job-market specific skill-sets are greatly valued and to enhance your skills and knowledge, you as a ‘Working Professional’ can always take up various courses, to augment your competency and be ahead of your competition.

WLCI offers various courses for ‘Working Professionals’ which you can enroll in and continue to work, without disturbing your schedule.

Executive Programmes are available in the following courses:

  • Marketing Fundamentals
  • HR and Talent Fundamentals
  • Financial Accounting Fundamentals 
These comprise of Level 1 of the Executive Programme. 
Level 2 comprise of:
  • Sales
  •  Accounting and Transaction Processing
  • Talent Acquisition
Level 3 comprises of:
  •  Retail
  • Talent Management 
  • Financial Services

Why WLCI College?? 

  1. WLCI programmes are structured to meet the learning and timing requirements of individuals.
  2. The courses focus on imparting job specific skill, knowledge and attitude to  on the job
  3.  The sessions are delivered through an Online or Virtual mode.
  4.  Trainings are done by instructors having extensive and wide experience from varied fields.
  5.  The ‘Foundation’ courses are available online and the learner is given access to E-WLCI for content.
  6. Proficient and Specialist level courses are delivered through virtual classes, scheduled every Saturday.
  7. Placement assistance is also offered on successful completion of the Proficient and Specialist level courses.

So go ahead and enroll in WLCI's Executive Courses , where you are given the opportunity to excel by acquiring cutting edge abilities and excel in your respective fields.

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