All India Combined Entrance Test (AICET) 2016

Saturday, 3 May 2014

WLC College Designing Course

wlc reviews

The World Wide Web (www) and art of graphic designing share a lucrative relation. Over the years, everyone is coming to realize the true worth of this combination. This has brought along with it a growing demand for well trained and skill designers who have the knack of web designing.
Keeping this in mind WLC College India had incorporated Web Designing in the course content for Adverting and Graphic Design. The momentum for this is fast growing and one needs to keep up with the pace of changing times. 

At WLCI School of Design you can specialize and gain detailed knowledge on the following expertise :-
·         Website design

  •         Logo/Brand/Meme desig
  •         Brochure design
  •        Magazine design
  •          Product design
  •          Identity design
  •          Packaging design

Along with the text book knowledge, the students are encouraged to stay active online. By doing this, they get to explore the creative side of the world. They begin to understand how the human mind functions. On the web, you are exposed to the world, you can find individuals who share your ideologies or complete opposites.

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