All India Combined Entrance Test (AICET) 2016

Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Is WLC College India Teaching Digital Marketing

Certainly !

Advertising and promotion of brands have gone online and digital marketing is the promotion of products or brands via one or more forms of electronic media. Digital marketing differs from traditional marketing. It involves the use of channels and methods that enable an organization to analyze marketing campaigns and understand what is working and what isn’t – typically in real time.

The Digital Marketing course focuses on new and emerging digital media, search engines, search engine optimization, display advertising, websites, mobile marketing and M-Commerce. The students are given extensive training on ‘Digital’ branding which includes- online marketing, usage patterns and consumer behavior.

WLCI Business School has a comprehensive course in Digital Marketing. Its module focuses on the knowledge and use of advanced digital media for marketing, including digital newspapers and directories, DTH, IPTV, mobile TV and satellite & community radio. The students are given an in-depth understanding of the usage of digital technologies in business models with revenue streams.

The course material for digital media covers the following topics-

  • New and emerging Digital Media,
  • Mail accounts and groups,
  • Search engines,
  • Search Engine Optimization,
  • Display Advertising,
  • Instant Messaging (IM) /Chat,
  • SEM (Search Engine Marketing)
  • Video casting,
  • Podcasting,
  • Blogging,
  • Social Media Optimization & Marketing Strategies,
  • Websites,
  • Mobile Marketing & M-Commerce,
  • Interactive Voice Response Systems (IVRS) Mobile Gaming,
  • 3G technology,
  • Creating a digital platform,
  • Video emails and direct mailers,
  • Media choice and selection, and
  • Media Planning.  

WLCI Digital Marketing course gets you “job-ready” for the present and the future !

Friday, 18 July 2014

Is WLCI Design School teaching Art History

Art History has major significance in the context and study of Art, any form of visual art. Without knowing the history and background of art, a student of art or designing cannot learn the nuances of the subject they are studying. Art history therefore holds a place of esteem importance. As a discipline, art history is distinguished form of art criticism. One ought to understand the history of the subject from various angles-
  1. How did the artist come to create the work?
  2. Who were the patrons?
  3. Who were his or her teachers?
  4. Who was the audience?
  5. Who were his or her disciples?
  6. What historical forces shaped the artist's oeuvre, and
  7. How did he or she and the creation affect the course of artistic, political, and social events?
All of these above questions and their answers give the students of art a balanced perspective about the work of art and he/she can understand in which context the art-work was created. 

Art history also often examines the work through an analysis of form; that is, the creator's use of line, shape, color, texture, and composition. This approach examines how the artist uses a two-dimensional picture or the three dimensions of sculptural or architectural space to create his or her art. The way these individual elements are employed results in representational or non-representational art.

Many design colleges and institutes in India offer their students a course in ‘Art History’. WLCI Design School, one of the premier design schools in India offers to their students a holistic learning curve on design, which offers comprehensive ‘Art History’ knowledge.

Wednesday, 9 July 2014

WLCI College Reviews Experiential Design

Today’s generation does not believe in being type casted or being boxed. Be it the music, culture or the liberty of thought. Everything is in flux, and in terms of design, one spills over another and merges to create something new and awe-inspiring! Experiential Design is the new ‘In’ thing in the design circuit. 

wlci feedback

This stream of design is still an emerging science and draws heavily from many other disciplines including- 

  1. Cognitive Psychology
  2. Perceptual
  3. Cognitive Science
  4. Environmental Design
  5. Haptics
  6. Product Design
  7. Information Design
  8. Brand Strategy
  9. Heuristics 

Experiential Design focuses on creating ‘engaging moments’ for the customer/ viewer using ideas, emotions, memories, or touch points between brands and people. This new form of design works across all disciplines and its mission is to persuade, stimulate, inform, and entertain the client with whom the interaction is taking place. 

Nowadays, more and more, retailers, brand marketers and advertisers are engaging the customer/client in experiential design experiences to persuade them to subscribe to the brand or product. The advertisers are reaching out to the customers in the transportation centers (airports, railway and subway stations), hospitals, restaurants and city streets so that the customers get a firsthand experience of the product. 

Many design colleges and institutes in India offer their students a course in ‘Experiential Design. WLCI Design School, one of the premier Design schools in India offers to their students a holistic learning curve on design, which covers ‘Experiential Design’.

Tuesday, 8 July 2014

How Wigan & Leigh teaches Animation

WLC College India gives you the opportunity to choose a career as an Animator and lead a creative life !

The animation movies from ‘Pixar Studios’ take your breath away?

You have seen the ‘Transformer’ series many times just to view the animation! Then definitely choosing a career as an Animator would be much gratifying for you. The role and job of an Animator is varied, there are diverse job- opportunities in the following areas-

  1.  Feature films,
  2. TV commercials,
  3.  Pop videos,
  4.  Computer games,
  5. Websites  and other media’s
You should have the following qualities to be a successful Animator:

  • Be Creative and artistic
  • Have drawing/illustration skills (and sculpting skills for stop frame animation using clay)
  • Have a patient and calm temperament
  • Be original and Inventive
  • Know the nuances of art and design and
  • Have excellent IT skills

Animators are trained professionals in the field of art and design and have in-depth software knowledge and technical understanding about animation. Animators also have to update constantly on their technical know-how to be ahead of the market requirements and keep their ‘employability’ quotient high. 

Many colleges and professional institutes offer courses in animation. WLCI’ Design School offers its student’s comprehensive course in ‘Graphic Design and Advertising’ or in ‘Visual Communication’ that imparts to its students the basic skills of animation.  WLCI Design School also teaches there students a variety of topics on art and design which is a prerequisite of becoming a good “Animator”.