All India Combined Entrance Test (AICET) 2016

Tuesday, 26 August 2014

WLCI College Feedback on Business Strategic Plans

There are many companies who have incorporated poor business strategies. WLCI College brings to you a list of the biggest mistakes that mess up companies. Read on and identify how many of you are guilty of it !

  •         Forgotten Goals & Objectives
A common mistake made by all at some point or the other is to forget about the end goal of the strategy. At times a plan seems so attractive that one can overlook company’s objective and hence leads to problems.

  •         Tactful Implementation
The latest trend might not be right for your company. But, many a times, leaders of organizations tend to get side casted by the new technology. This could also be a result of the monkey see monkey do method, just because it worked for your competitor doesn’t necessarily mean it would for you to.

  •         Past is my Pride
This thinking has led to the meltdown of many corporations. Leader’s needs to evaluate their business’s and take calculative decisions to ensure its potential. What worked in the past may not be in sync with the preferences of customers today.

  •         Who is my target ?
Many corporations fail to identify their correct target audience. This is a huge blunder that could potentially lead to limited brand awareness and product sale.

Learn the correct way to launch your enterprise at

Friday, 22 August 2014

Feedback of WLCI College on Hands Up Don’t Shoot!

After the brutal killing of a black American teenager Michael Brown about a fortnight ago in Ferguson, Missouri-USA, the movement has turned into a civil rights issue now. The black community has launched a movement against racial profiling of black American men by policemen and law enforcers and the movement has gained momentum as the ‘Hands Up Don’t Shoot’ campaign. Many videos from this campaign has gone viral in the internet and urges law-officers to be more human and administer community policing rather than brutal force that they often tend to resort to.

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Is WLCI Mumbai hosting Design Exhibitions ?

Yes, WLCI College India’s Mumbai Campus does host Design Exhibitions !

Exhibitions and workshops are a regular occurrence in the halls of WLCI Mumbai Campus. This is done to promote and showcase the talents of budding designers who are a part of the WLCI Fraternity. The Advertising and Graphic Design students are engaged in creating something new for their projects. They are intrigued rather than burdened by the demands of the faculty members to indulge in tasks that require them to explore their minds.

The image below is of a display presentation of Students artwork at a recently held workshop. It consists of various campaign projects that the students have engaged themselves in as a part of their curriculum for the visual communications course. 

From creating campaigns for known brands such as Indigo, Red Bull and Body Shop, they had also been asked to create advertisements for events. Their list of assignments also includes common item such as Chai (Tea).

They have often mentioned that the most intriguing and challenging assignments are the ones that require them to create campaigns for the common items. Along with that, they express their gratitude to the staff members at WLCI College for creating such platforms and opportunities.

You too could be a part of the amazing members of WLCI College India ! Simply visit to know more about the Design School of WLCI.

Wednesday, 6 August 2014

WLCI College Reviews Delhi’s Monkey Business

To tackle the monkey menace in the capital, NDMC has come up with an out-of-the-box solution !

They have employed young-men to impersonate monkeys to scare off the real monkeys as they are causing havoc around Delhi's parliament building. So the next time you see a monkey in the capital, you may not be so sure if you are meeting a real-monkey or a fake one !